Proudly Supporting the Fastener Industry Since 2003
Member of the Fastener Industry Coalition

Members Listing Membership Page

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The Mid-Atlantic Fastener Distributors Association welcomes all membership categories. Though ‘Distributors’ is in the name, the MAFDA believes the industry is best served when all tangents of the manufacturing and supply process are connected.

With over eighty active members, the MAFDA has grown to become the largest fastener specific association representing the Mid-Atlantic region.  Joining is easy, but the greatest value you and your company can gain is by volunteering your talents and expertise, or by attending the many great events that have been designed by your regional industry peers specifically to help educate, inform,  or foster long term business relationships.

Current annual Membership dues are $250.00

MAFDA Hall of Fame

To learn more about our Hall of Fame Members
click on the name

Rick Lubker

Lubker Distribution

Ed Johnson Sr.

Don F Johnson & Sons

David Myers

Coburn-Myers Fastening Systems Inc.

Lee S. Johnson Jr.

Lee S. Johnson Associates Inc.

Current Board Member Companies

Nutty Cracker Company

Los Angeles,
Service Provider

Duis enim dui, egestas sed sollicitudin vel, cursus ut nulla. Quisque condimentum molestie mi, vitae sagittis tortor viverra eu. Praesent

Nutty Cracker Company 2

Crazy Town,
Service Provider

Duis enim dui, egestas sed sollicitudin vel, cursus ut nulla. Quisque condimentum molestie mi, vitae sagittis tortor viverra eu. Praesent

Stelfast Inc.


The Money Company 2

sales rep

Duis enim dui, egestas sed sollicitudin vel, cursus ut nulla. Quisque condimentum molestie mi, vitae sagittis tortor viverra eu. Praesent